Nurri L TYPE leva
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Black / Zebrano wood unit in stock for immediate delivery.
This innovative new machine from Nurri Coffee takes everything we all love about leva machines and combines them into a single package.
The L-TYPE SA is a PID controlled dual boiler leva with an actively heated group. This allows the machine to dramatically reduce the near hour warm-up period for traditional levas. This machine is ready to operate as its optimum within 15 minutes. The group paddles allow for backflushing and control of preinfusion.
The L-TYPE SA is feature packed and is available in stainless steel or a black, white and stainless finish with a choice of zebrano wood or walnut sides and matching timber touch points.
The Nurri L Type machine can be plumbed in or run from the internal tank with an internal quiet rotary pump attending to boiler fill when required. Like all leva machines, the pour is near silent. In this configuration, the user can set the chosen preinfusion pressure via a convenient port at the rear of the machine which allows access to the bypass screw. The pump is activated at the end of the leva stroke and remains on during preinfusion and then switches off during the pour
- Full 430 stainless body
- Dual boiler servo assisted group- this allows for backflushing and also control of preinfusion pressure via the SA paddles on the group
- 54mm modified LSM group with active heating for rapid warmup
- Stainless steel boilers: Brew 0.8L, steam 1.8L
- Rotary pump
- Temperature regulation via 3 channel PID
- Water supply- via reservoir or mains water
- Gauges: brew pressure and steam boiler pressure
- Accessories: double portafilter and naked portafilter. Single and double baskets- plus a blind filter.
- Dimensions: 36 x 45 x 58 (w x d x h) cm
- Mass approx 45kg
- Shipping dimensions 50 x 45 x 80 (w x d x h) cm 60kg
- Power requirements 230V 10A 2200V (2350W maximum