Bezzera BZ10
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Bezzera have been at the forefront of espresso machine design and manufacturer since 1901. It was Lugi Bezzera who invented the espresso machine process of extraction that we know today. The BZ10 is the ideal machine for those wanting café style coffee in the home or office.
NOTE : This is the update model featuring TOGGLE switches for the power and pump rather then the older push button models.
The Bezzera Bz10 is a home coffee machine made for the home barista. With over 100 years of Bezzera know-how they have created this pocket rocket
With an actively heated group head and compact design its the ideal machine for those seeking a compact, well designed and value for money Italian HX espresso machine.
- Group head: Traditional group head, Bezzera Proprietary Head Heating: Electric Element
- Body: AISI 304 commercial grade polished stainless steel
- Water/steam: Fully flexible stainless steam & water arms
- Boiler: 1.5L Copper withHeat exchange system
- Element: 1418 watts
- Gauges: Dual Boiler Pressure/ Pump Pressure gauge Temperature stability:
- Dual boiler probe system provides additional protection to the heating element
- Boiler Refill: Automatic plus safety cutout to prevent machine damage.
- Power: 240 V 50-60Hz Tank Water Level Control: In-built auto cutout and optical indicator
- Accessories: Single and double handles, Blind basket, Measuring spoon, Group brush
- Weight: 19 Kgs
- Dimensions: Width:250mm Depth:425mm Height:375mm